If you are graduating from college this Spring you are to be congratulated for your time, and effort! However once you graduate from college you are no longer eligible for your parents, or school sponsored health insurance. that can cause a bit of a dilemma as you take a little time off, or search for the first job of your career.
There is an easy solution for health insurance, and it called UniCare Sound. UniCare Sound is the perfect plan for young graduates because it covers you from head to toe. Doctor visits, prescriptions, emergency room, hospitilization, surgery, wellness, dental, and vision are all covered under this easy to understand, and apply for health plan by UniCare.
A simple twist of the knee while water skiing this Summer could cost you up to $30,000 in medical bills, but with UniCare Sound all you pay is a small deductible, and everything else is covered!
All Sound plans are the same except for the deductible, $1500, $3000, and $5000. You choose the deuctible, and UniCare Sound takes care of all the rest.
So if you are looking for a way to protect yourself, and stay healthy, UniCare Sound is your very best bet. With prices that start at only $67 per month, health care is now affordable for everyone!
If you are interested in hearing more about UniCare Sound give us a call at 800-391-7469. We are the UniCare Sound experts, and enrollment only takes about five inutes, plus you can be covered the very next day!
That is what I call hassle free health insurance!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
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