Monday, June 19, 2006

Student Health Insurance and UniCare

The UniCare Sound Plan is a perfect fit for students in Illinois, and Texas. The plan is a step up from what you usually get as a student, and in many cases it cost's less too. Once you are your parents insurance this the plan you want to have.

The reasons are pretty simple, Rx, ER, Unlimited Doc visits, Dental, Vison, and low out of pocket with no coinsurance is very attractive to young singles. The plan is specifically designed for the 18-29 age group, but it's a good fit for singles well into their 40's.

When you think it might cost you $40,000 if you blow out your knee if you don't have insurance, the small premium of $60 -$114 per month based on your age and where you live is a nice hedge against disaster.

UniCare Sound health plans are available at

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