Monday, June 26, 2006

UniCare Sound issue's colorful I.D. Cards

One of the most interesting marketing aspects of the Sound Health Plan form UniCare is the ability to print up an ID card immediately after being accepted. This is a great thing, but the fact that you choose your own color is a pretty neat piece of marketing. Sound is currently the only health plan in the country that has this kind of feature and it is more popular than you think. What it does is make a statement every time you pull it out. It always starts a conversation which is a great way to spread information about the plan by word of mouth. Health insurance has been traditionally a boring, stodgy, serious type of thing, but it doesn't have to be that way. Sound is marketed in lighthearted manner that speaks the same language as the majority of it's target market.
The marketing may be lighthearted, but the plan is rock solid in it's foundation, it has everything a person needs to stay healthy and of course get better if they fall ill, or are injured. The whole idea is to make sure that young people feel comfortable with the plan. Being comfortable breeds trust, and making the Sound Health plan benefit rich, affordable, hip, and cool, is luring young people without health insurance back into the health care system.
The 18-29 age group is the largest group of people without health insurance, bringing them back into the system is what Sound Health plans are all about.

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