Saturday, June 17, 2006

UniCare Sound an answer for Texas's 1.2 million uninsured's

The state of Texas has around 1.2 million unisured's between the ages of 18-29. That is a phenomenal number, and enough people to populate a major market city. That major market city would have a pretty poor economy if it existed, and social services would be non existant. Imagine an entire city without insurance coverage? Pretty grim picture isn't it, well that scenario lies hidden among the population of Texas. UniCare Sound Plans were designed to address that need for affordable Texas health insurance.

Since the unisnsured are spread out across the population, and not just in one place the problem is mitigated by the insured's paying into the system to balance things out. the more people that join the health care system the less expensive, and more benefit rich it becomes.

Sound Health plans are targeted at Texas' 1.2 million uninsureds between the ages of 18-29, and offer a truly original approach to health care coverage starting 2-1-2006.

"Sound is a great, affordable, hip, easy to understand and includes preventive, emergency and pharmacy benefits. These young invincibles can choose from the Gravity Bender, Curb Jumper and The Cruisers," says UniCare Premier Agent John Berkowitz.

According to the insurance industry, young adults have the highest rate of being uninsured (about 29 to 39 percent) because they tend to be those who are no longer being covered by parents insurance plans and are just starting new careers that are less likely to have insurance or health plans offered by employers.

Berkowitz has many reasons why he is actively promoting the plan, including the simplicity of the application process. "It only takes a few minutes to apply for a plan, that's it, plus UniCare make's it a fun process as they cater to the sensibilities of the younger demographic. You can even choose the color of your ID card which is pretty cool, yes a simple choice like that makes a difference, and that is why the UniCare Sound Plan is so popular.

The Sound online application and the UniCare Sound Plan system has taken weeks even months off the traditional average underwriting process. Berkowitz comments that not all cases will go as smoothly as the examples mentioned; the process varies for each individual. the average time to complete an application is seven minutes, and if the client is healthy they can be issued, and have a health card in their hand in only a few minutes.

UniCare of Texas is a great company Berkowitz notes, they actually care about consumers and treat them well after the sale, the customer service is excellent with UniCare. the plans are available at

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