Saturday, July 29, 2006

UniCare Sound is UniCare's newest health plan targeted at the 18-29 year old demographic which has the largest amount of healthy uninsured's in the country.
The plans include dental, vision, prescriptions, unlimited doctor visits, emergency room, preventative health care, surgery, and hospitilization in one inexpensive package ranging from $60 to $114 per month. Prices are based on the zip code where you live, your age, and your sex.
The great thing about UniCare Sound is that it covers you from head to toe, this is real health insurance, not one of those of those skimpy student plans that leave you out on the lurch every time something happens.
We have had quite a few calls from students, and parents in Illinois, and Texas this Summer who want to get enrolled in the plan in anticipation of school this Fall. They feel the benefits of UniCare Sound are much better than what is offered at school.
UniCare Sound is very popular with young singles out of school. We have had people enroll from the ages of 8 to 55 so far! To qualify all you have to be is healthy, so lots of healthy older people have been jumping on the UniCare Sound bandwagon too.

UniCare Sound is one of the most important health plans introduced to this country in decades. Give us a call at 800-391-7469 for more information on whether UniCare Sound is the best health plan for you!

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