Monday, July 10, 2006

UniCare Sound

UniCare Sound has turned out to be one of the most popular health plans introduced in decades! The phones are ringing off the hook with people calling in from all over the country trying to find out about UniCare Sound.

The reason for the excitement is the low prices coupled with the outstanding coverage. That's right for a fraction of the cost of other health plans UniCare Sound covers you completely from head to toe! The plan includes unlimited doctor visits, preventative care, emergency room, hospitalization, surgery, dental, and vison for only $60 to $114 per month! That's a pretty good deal when compared to any other health plan available!

Student love the plan because it is quite often much better and less expensive then what is offered by their schools. Parents love the plan because it is affordable, has low deductibles, no coinsurance, and is easy to use and understand. The plan is easy to apply for online, and acceptance can be immediate, which is great if you have been putting it off, and need health insurance tomorrow!

How much money can you save?

Ruptured appendix $25,000!!!
Reconstructive Knee Surgery $30,000!!!
Kidney Stone $15,000!!!

That is how much money it cost to get better, and if you don't have health insurance your access to care will be very limited. With Unicare Sound no matter what happens you will only pay the yearly deductible of $1500, $3000, or $5000, that's it! No coinsurance!

Don't go without health inurance another day, just give us a call at 800-391-7469 and get enrolled in the UniCare Sound plan today!

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